Crystals That May Help Ease the Symptoms of Autism

Autism is something pretty important, many people can relate to this nowadays as more and more children are diagnosed with it, and so many adults are on the spectrum as well. My husband has Asperger’s and many of my friend’s children suffer with autism. It hits home, and in my home, I use crystals to heal! Many people have seen good results when using crystals to treat autism, and a plethora of other illnesses, disorders, complications, and just general health. So today I just wanted to share a few of the crystals that may aid with symptoms of autism. ❤

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Clear Quartz. I recommend clear quartz to everyone, as it helps improve your overall energy, among other benefits. One of the reasons it is helpful for people suffering with autism is because it promotes balance. Balance in right-left brain activity that is sometimes an issue. It helps during overwhelming situations, and evening out intense emotions, fear, anxiety. Anyone feeling out of balance whether it’s mentally, physically, or in any other way, quartz is a very helpful stone, and because it is the most common stone on Earth, it is easily accessible and very affordable. (Safe for kids to wear all the time)


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Gold! Second picture is of gold on a clear quartz crystal, an example of how you could implement the two together. Or a quartz pendant on a golden chain would do nicely as well. Gold helps conduct energy through the body and the brain (recommend wearing close to the head, necklace, earrings). In doing so gold has been found to help in the treatment of autism, epilepsy, it regenerates neurotransmitters in both lobes of the brain, promoting balance just like quartz. Gold allows an easier flow of information, helping ease overwhelming sensations that may be hard to understand and tolerate. Gold is also very common and easy to come by. (safe for kids to wear all the time)

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Moldavite. Especially when it is worn or placed near the heart chakra, moldavite assists people who are sensitive to their environments. Many people call this the “star child” stone. Moldavite, just like gold and quartz, is said to help improve the balance of disturbances in the brain’s electrical impulses associated with autism, tourettes as well. A word of warning though, moldavite is very high vibration and I wouldn’t consider it “kid friendly”, it can give even adults a bit of an energy surge and burn out, might find yourself light headed from the energy. Adults who choose to use it may want to keep it away from their sleeping area because it might keep you awake, or cause nightmares, as it also deals with deep soul healing during dreams, your deepest fears/darknesses might come up to be dealt with. The stone is balanced by clear quartz though.

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Sugilite. Another high vibrational stone, it is said to be a nurturing stone during emotionally stressful situations. It opens and aligns all chakras, allowing your energy to be balanced. This crystal assists in helping dyslexia, autism, motor function, pain management, helping people facing unpleasant conditions. It encourages peace of mind and opening up communication. Because it is high vibration, it isn’t recommended for children, and works best in small pieces of jewelry or a tumble stone in the pocket for benefits.

Hope this helps! ❤

Love and Light x

“I think I am a Starseed’

A lot of new awakenings happening as of late, and many more to come soon! People are being led to their incarnated starseed family and friends, they are hearing new words like “indigo”, “crystal” and “rainbow” people, and many are resonating with one or more of those terms and are researching more about them. 

I’d like to say, that there’s nothing wrong with wanting to know more! It’s only natural to want to find out more about your Self. But regardless of whichever “group” you are categorizing yourself in, we are ALL starseeds. And I mean this in the most literal sense. Every one of your atoms originated in a star. Go ahead, don’t take my word for it. Do your own research. 😉 Anywho, now that we’ve got that out of the way, regardless of what you “are”, indigo, crystal, plaeidian, sirian, the list goes on and on… we are ALL starseeds, and we are all here for one thing.

That one thing, is to raise the vibrations on Gaia to a 4D/5D level and leave the 3D paradigm behind. Many people are asking what it is they can DO to help. Well, I can say the best thing to do, is to BE. Just… your true self. Get in touch with your inner Self. Meditate. Send your Light and Love to Gaia and all of her inhabitants. That is why you are here. Gaia needs your Light to illuminate all the darkness, all the secrets, all the negative. Remember you are not here to “Save” anyone. You are here to send love, and blessings! 

Another misconception I see, is thinking that only certain people are healers. This is not true. Everyone has the ability to heal. Your intentions mean everything. Your thoughts and words are extremely powerful, and YOU are a powerful being. 



Using Your Light to Help Raise the Vibrations of Gaia


As Lightworkers we are here to do exactly as the name implies, work with Light. One of the most helpful, and important things you can do is put Light around Gaia. Remembering that different colors of Light will have a different effect. The Violet Flame is a frequency of the violet ray. Surrounding Gaia with the Violet Flame will begin to literally transform all negative energies in and upon Gaia into Divine Light, releasing with it negative karma of all inhabitants. Of course it will not all magically be gone, but the more souls engaging in surrounding Mother Earth with this wonderful invocation of Light on a daily basis, the faster positive changes will come about–and the more negative karma will be dissolved. There are many versions of the invocation, but a simple and effective one would be:

Gaia is a place of the Violet Flame.

Gaia is the purity that God desires.

Repeating this 3 or 7 times, or however many you feel is right for you. Your intentions mean more than words, but combined they are a powerful thing. Recite the invocation while envisioning a violet flame consuming all of Gaia, penetrating through to her core. All inhabitants will benefit from this. It is a simple daily task that can really make a difference, especially if a large amount of people are participating. So fellow Lightworkers, please try to take 5 minutes out of your day to spread Light around Gaia. To help ease the negative energies, the tension, the wars, and strengthen those who are also sending their own Light. It is our job to get these vibrations up, up, up! The higher Gaia’s vibrations, the more people will begin to awaken, and the closer to a collective 4D reality.


One Love.

Elixir of the Day- Blue/Indigo Crystals

My husband made an excellent point yesterday, as I have been getting into making elixirs lately, and made up a few to preserve (Moonstone, Brandberg Quartz, and Lodestone) over the Full Moon on Thursday. He said, “Why shouldn’t we have a fresh elixir every day as well?” And I thought for a minute and realized that it was a great idea! So this morning, first thing after making/eating breakfast with my kids, I went to my crystal shelf in my livingroom and picked out the crystals. I didn’t have anything in mind other than feeling the urge to use blue crystals today. I let my intuition guide me as to which to choose, and set up my little “elixir station” outside in the sun, and asked the Archangels to help make sure I got each property that was of most importance into the water, thanking the Sun, Father Sky, Mother Earth, Creator and the Angels for all of the parts they will play in creating the elixir, before I read into what each crystal property was.


This is how my tray is set up today. I let my intuition guide me as to where to place the crystals as well, starting with Blue Aragonite at the top, and going clockwise Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, and finally Blue Hemimorphite. I placed clear quartz points in between the crystals, and the glass bowl full of water to allow the vibrations of the stones to flow through quartz and out of the apex (point) into the water. I had a choice between red or blue lids to cover the container, and chose blue. This will infuse blue rays into the water as well. I also placed my large twin flame quartz on top of the lid, to draw in the energy of the sun and kind of “super power” my elixir.

Blue is the color of Divinity. It calms, relaxes, brings about understanding and peace, as well as opening a flow of communication between yourself and everyone around you. Many people already know this color has a “cooling” effect. It brings awareness to the Divinity within. You can access the benefits that the color blue brings, through using or wearing blue stones, drinking water infused with blue rays, wearing blue clothing, “summoning” the color blue, and blue energy around you, just to name a few.

So, just a quick run down of what vibrations and properties these stones will infuse into my water, starting from the top and going clockwise again: (keep in mind they have many more benefits to each of them!)

Blue aragonite: This is a strong third eye, strong throat, and heart chakra stone. It aids you in relieving stress, becoming more empathetic, communicating more accurately with your spirit guides, it assists in healing the emotions as well. It’s energy will also assist in helping you become psychic, and develop your intuition.

Blue lace agate: Assists in developing your voice if you have trouble speaking up, or standing up for your truths. It is a good crystal for positive thinking, and promoting a positive mood as well. Allows pranic (life force) energy to flow more freely through you, without blockages.

Lapis Lazuli (one of my favorites!): Helps you to clear out the lower vibrations surrounding you, allowing you to connect and align with higher vibrations, which in turn allows light to shed on your own truth and giving you the ability to speak those truths more clearly and without hesitation. Also promotes a strong inner balance.

Turquoise- It allows expansion of your perception. Draws out and clears away negative vibrations. Helps protect you from the toxins your body might be consuming. It helps enhance your abilities to connect to the higher spiritual realms, opening a channel between the physical and spirit world. Also carries and promotes positive thoughts and vibrations.

Blue Hemimorphite- Promotes the ability to see and experience without judgement, allowing you to see everything from a perspective of understanding and love. It helps to raise your vibration, and then anchor this higher vibration into your physical, and subtle bodies. Also assists in your health and well being on every level. Balancing your aura and promoting channeling.

Very interesting that I was guided to choose these rocks, as I have been asking for assistance with many of the above benefits of these stones. And my husband has been needing major help with opening his throat chakra. I am looking forward to seeing how this elixir resonates with us.

~Love~ ~Light~ ~Blessings~
❤ newagelightworker


Love is in the Earth – Melody

The Encyclopedia of Crystals- Judy Hall

Choose your words carefully, and lovingly


I’m posting today as a reminder to myself and others on the same path as me, that our words and thoughts are extremely powerful. Negative, abusive, or judgmental thoughts and spoken word are the catalyst to an unstable energy surrounding yourself. So say you are wanting badly to raise your vibration; you ask for the angels guidance, you meditate, you say your mantras, but you aren’t getting very far. You might want to observe for a bit the things you are thinking, and putting out in the world. It only takes one negative thought to become stuck in your energy field.

This is a very relevant thing for me, I have a lot of issues I’m trying to work through with extreme anger and fear. For this, the Violet Flame is most important, for the Violet Flame not only clears out the negative vibrations, it transmutes– or changes —the negative vibrations into Light. In fact, the Violet Flame can help clear out negative/bad karma as well before it is able to reach us, which as most of you will know automatically is a priceless gift, one to be treasured and grateful for as well. Along with being able to physically change your negative vibrations into Light and Loving vibrations, the Violet Flame protects you from any incoming negative vibrations from other people. You can also ask for or envision the Violet Flame being around someone else in need, it is beneficial in this way as well.

Now I’ve heard people talk about the incoming negative vibes from other people that can “attack” us, drain us of our energy, etc. But I haven’t heard people talk about their outgoing vibrations. Thinking/speaking meanly about someone or picturing something bad occurring to that person is attacking them psychically. So now not only are these negative vibrations floating around in your own energy field, they are effecting other people. But the opposite can be true, if you work at it. Observing that your thoughts and words are only of the most loving intention will in turn send loving, good vibrations into your energy field, and that of others. There is already so much collective negative energy in the world, why add to it? The goal is to transmute the negative into positive. The fear into love. But if you’re like me, you’re wondering, so does this mean I have to suppress myself? No! Not by any means. The worst thing you could do is stifle your expression. But it does mean you are going to have to find a loving and positive way to express yourself. By monitoring what you think, you can filter out anything negative and try to think of the situation from a fresh perspective.

Some ways you can get your expression out is through writing, painting, sculpting, singing, playing music, gardening, there are so many ways to focus on sending positive vibrations and love into the world. When you choose each and every word carefully, and with love, this will become second nature to you, and while continuing to invoke the Violet Flame, your efforts will be rewarded by eventually transmuting ALL of your negative, or judgmental thoughts, words and behaviors into Love, overflowing from all aspects of you.

I’m sure many of you already know these things, but there are an overwhelming amount of people who don’t. So I’m sharing for their benefit, and as I said, a reminder for me to keep on track with it as well. Your ticket to ascension is through pure, loving thoughts and intentions. and sharing that love and light with the rest of the world. But as always, you must learn to love yourself before all else. 

Namaste! Love, light and blessings to all. ❤


Boji® Stones and their Many Benefits


Though it pains me to add a registered trademark to the name of a gift of Mother Earth, I will because it is the name these stones are most commonly referred to as. Boji® Stones are also known as Kansas City Pop Rocks, or just Pop Rocks. They come in pairs, a male and female. The male (the stone to the left in my picture) has protruding features all over both sides, and the female (on the right) is generally smooth. They are normally black or gray, though I’ve seen some reddish and brown looking ones as well.

With the importance of grounding being at an all time high right now, these stones are of much assistance. This isn’t the only thing they help with, but I’ll go into that in a bit. The energy of the Boji® Stones is very connected to the Earth, these stones are said to have been around when the Earth was created. Just holding them feels very “heavy” and stabilizing in and of itself. But holding them above your head will allow the energy to be transferred down through your chakras, down to the earth star chakra and into Mother Earth for grounding.

These stones will help heal holes in your auric field, they will fill them with positive energy as well, if you sweep them around you in a clockwise motion, from crown to base chakra. Keeping them in your energy field in general will help release energy blockages and assists in grounding the auric energies through your physical body and into the Earth. This grounding, and clearing of the chakras may result in alleviating pains in the body as well. Boji® stones are said to help with pain in more than one way. Another way to utilize their healing abilities is to hold the two stones in separate hands, then move them near each other like you would magnets, trying to find which sides create the strongest pull, then place the “pulling” side down on whatever part of you is in pain. The male stone placed on the left side of the body, the female on the right. Their pain relief is pretty significant and many people have started opting to use them instead of things like Tylenol or painkillers. They are also useful in cell regeneration. Of course, don’t take my word for it, if I could recommend a set of stones that are pretty valuable to have in your collection, these would make the list.

Another benefit I really enjoy, and so we try to remember to do every night, is sleeping with the Boji® Stones under your pillow. It will quickly put you to sleep, and keep you in a deep sleep. When you wake in the morning you will feel more rested than usual. They are wonderful for when you aren’t able to get a full nights sleep, or have to wake up early in the morning. The stones will leave you feeling fully rested with only a few hours sleep, and completely recharged. My husband who has to wake up at 3am for work every day has noticed a tremendous difference in how rested he is since we began to keep the Boji® stones in bed with us. My youngest who co-sleeps with us also sleeps noticeably deeper when they are around. And as you should do with every stone that helps you, I try to remember to thank them every morning for such a restful sleep, because we can really tell the difference when we forget to bring them to bed.

A fun fact about Boji® stones that I have always found really interesting is that they are held together by the energy within, and are known to disintegrate out of nowhere, (usually once they are done with their “work”). As well as if they are left on the ground the energy will leave them eventually, also causing them to disintegrate and decay. It has been compared before to a human body, the life force “prana” energy within the rock keeps it a solid, and when that energy leaves the stone the body dies away.

The great thing about these stones is that one doesn’t have to believe in them to receive their benefits, they are powerful enough to do the work without the belief behind it, and they will surprise you again and again with their strength and the noticeable difference they make. Also, I’m not 100% sure, but I am almost certain if you call the energy of the stones to work with you, you will receive their energy even without the physical stone being there (just another example of how one cannot “own” a stone with a trademark lol).

Love, Light and many Blessings!!

❤ newagelightworker

An added message from Debbie @ Archangels and Devas confirming that you can call the energy of the Boji Stones to you without them physically being there:

“I received the following message from AA Michael:
To use the energy of Boji Stones you can call their energy as follows:
“I call the male and female energy of Boji Stones and ask it to work with me to create Harmony in my life”.
I recommend these stones if you are awakening. They will help you to overcome limiting beliefs and emotions, and also help you with negative energies.
I would go as far as saying these stones are invaluable to Lightworkers.


Thank you as always Debbie ❤

Namaste everyone! Enjoy the benefits of these lovely gifts of Earth ❤

Children Play an Important Role Too!


Today I’ll write about something that has been on my mind a lot recently. Children in the New Age. I see a very large number of people still leading their children, or their schools in a strict, authoritative manner, not allowing for any imagination or expression of true passions or skills of the individual child. Allowing children to explore themselves, their emotions, and learn how to manage their energy without being under a strict leash of order and obedience is essential. They should be free to express themselves at all levels. Whether it be creatively, emotionally, spiritually, or otherwise, they should not be stifled or forced to do one particular thing or another, they need to feel invited to communicate, organize, and bring their energy to this reality in a way they feel comfortable.

Many people are still under more of an ego based way of doing things. They have the need for power, and control and often see children’s expressions as being obstinate, out of hand, or overactive. They try to control these new behaviors that are displayed in more and more children with the “old” way of doing things. Whether that be with enforcing obedience, and strict discipline, or medicating children for their excess of energy instead of teaching them how to ground the energy with mother earth. None of these things will be effective as they were in past times. Now is the time to embrace the new energy, overwhelming love and creativity of children.

These children of the new age have their own messages and light to bring to us, and when received with open arms and minds, their ideas and love can only grow stronger. When you don’t shy away from things that they tell you they are seeing, and you allow them to become comfortable with things like spirits, angels, and the like, there will collectively be less fear. A child who has an “imaginary friend” or like my daughter who sees angels, should only be taught that they have the power to tell whomever the spirit might be to stay or go as your child feels comfortable. But it shouldn’t be told to them that they aren’t seeing something, just because you might not be as sensitive to it. Reactions like doubt, and denial, telling the child they are wrong about something they intuitively feel or see, is what leads to the closing of the third eye. It confuses the child, who in turn becomes self doubting, and fearful that there is something wrong with them because they are seeing/hearing/feeling something they are told is not there. When in reality there is nothing wrong with them at all! We can learn quite a bit from our children if we listen to them, and don’t try to stifle them.

Teaching your child the correct way to ground their energy is vital, and will be of much help to the children who have been arriving in the past decade (everyone benefits from grounding their energy though of course) and who will continue to arrive to help with all the changes on the earth at this time.

Healing your own pains and emotions first and foremost will be of most importance (and is the main work of the Lightworkers anyway) in helping the children. Allowing your own Higher self to embrace ALL of your emotions, down to the deepest darkest ones, and accept and acknowledge them all with no judgements and only love will be the best thing you can possibly do for your advancement in consciousness and in being a beacon of light for others, but most importantly to the children. Once again, loving yourself is the first step in spreading your love to others. Whether you have children or not, their strong wave of energy is felt in all of us. We are all one. They are here to help us, and guide us just as much as we are for them, if only we will allow them to be themselves, and embrace their passions and talents, as those are the gifts they are here to share and by which they will spread their light to the world.

Love, Light, Blessings ❤


Positive change is happening, have no doubt


I have seen in a few places now “How can the old paradigm be shedding away when we have things happening like this bombing in Boston still?” Well let me be the first to tell you that there isn’t a magic button. People are feeling anxious from the vibrational changes, we are all effected whether we are conscious to it or not. Tension, anxiety, and lots of stress with no reason behind it are effects of the shift in vibrational changes, and many people don’t know how to handle these feelings. It can lead to bad things happening. Which is why we need to get more awareness out there that these feelings are okay. There is nothing wrong with anyone, and there is no need to act out negatively because of these feelings. Simply know that you need to work through them to get to the other side. It’s all part of the experience. And not everything about the experience will be “pleasant”.

Some symptoms of the vibrational changes will be occurring to large amounts of people. I’ve had them myself and not even known it, and other times it literally feels like I had the flu, bed bound from body aches, and less than 24 hours later I am all better. This is what we call “Vibrational Flu”. Some of the things you might experience are typical flu like symptoms, others are more mental, and keep in mind many of these things seem to be more active at night:

1. Body aches/pains

2. Hot flashes

3. Feeling your body vibrating

4. Exhaustion

5. Tingling in/around your chakras, hands, feet, crown of your head, fingertips

6. Sweating

7. Sadness or depression for seemingly no reason

8. Ringing in the ears or hearing voices

9. Dizzy/lightheaded

10. Fevers

11. Being anxious, nervous, mad, and not knowing why.

There are more examples, but these seem to be most common, and I’ve experienced them all for myself to some degree. If you can relate to the “symptoms” on this list then you aren’t alone, not by far. Many people are dealing with the same feelings right now. And as I said, it doesn’t mean anything is wrong, it doesn’t mean change isn’t happening for the better right now. It just means that there are going to be people going through these things that might not know how to handle it properly, and that’s when tragic things can occur. It is sad. Once again I would recommend asking for the help of your angels and guides, in making as smooth of a transition as possible, and help you sort through your feelings to help you make it to the next level of consciousness. Just talking to them might help you feel a little more comfortable, and as you slow down and relax you might just begin to see the gifts and guidance they will lay out before you if you only ask.

Some things that can help with these symptoms, and that are good for the soul in general are going out and getting some sunlight. Sunlight is one of the best things for you, and can help you with downloading much needed “code” to help your evolving.

Drinking sunlight infused water is another great way to get it in your system. Try using different colored glasses, and leaving them out in the sun with water for a few hours. This will infuse the color rays into the drink as well and each color has a different benefit, violet is the healing ray for example.

Having crystals around your home, or your body will also help you in their own specific ways. If you have a crystal that you are attracted to, look up the metaphysical properties, that crystal may want to help you with something you need a little extra support in.

Being out in nature is also a wonderful way to help deal with the vibrational changes. Lie in the grass and gaze at the stars, go for a walk in a nature trail, go find a creek or river to dip your feet in. Connect with nature. It will do you good. Our vision is crisp, and clearer than ever so go enjoy looking at Mother Earth’s gifts through new eyes so to speak. And be sure to give thanks for all of the many blessings that you are receiving.

~So much Love & Light~

❤ newagelightworker

A shout out to Brandberg Quartz

ImageNot surprisingly, my Brandberg Quartz “Brandy” as I call it, inspired this post, as I was going to post about my lightbrary, but my brandy crawled down my shirt and almost fell on the floor so I decided to take a picture of it too, and in the photo you can see purple on the crystal, though it wasn’t visible to me. I thought I’d share some of the metaphysical properties this magical little stone and how mine made it’s way to me. 

To start, every Brandberg is mined by hand out of the gorgeous and mystical Brandberg Mountains in Nambia, Africa. They are known for their many phantoms, flames of color, enhydro bubbles, and so much more. They refract the light with every tiny movement, and display many entrancing rainbows and images. Many times these crystals will have “windows”, and record keepers as well. Their very touch and presence is enchanting, you can feel the love radiating from it. ”It is one of the primary crystals used for holographic re-patterning – transforming old unconscious beliefs into new vibrations consistent with your conscious awakened desires / gifts / higher purpose.” From The Crystal Bible- Judy Hall. This seems especially true to me. Since this crystal found its way into my collection all that has happened is transformation. Old layers being shed. I can say with assurance that all the “hype” around this crystal is not for no reason.

“Chakra: all but especially the soma chakra – above the third eye at the hairline, and the past life chakras – behind the ears on the bony ridge. All Brandbergs whether clear, smoky or amethyst, carry the vibration of each colour. A useful aid to multi-dimensional spiritual work, ‘inner windows’ or phantoms assist in looking within or traversing the spiritual planes and gently break old patterns and ties. This high-vibration crystal is an indispensable aid for healing and journeying, and for exploring the pure, eternal blueprint that lies behind existence.  It returns a body to that purity of vibration and intention that came before any imprinting from earthly incarnations. Emanating infinite compassion to all of creation, Brandberg brings about deep soul healing and forgiveness. This stone speeds recovery from illness or accident and is excellent for house clearing. A Smoky Brandberg is the finest tool available for removing implants, attachments, spirit possession or mental influence and this is the stone par excellence for transformation or transition.”

Extracted from Shamanic Crystals by Judy Hall
Now, how this extremely special and high vibration crystal made it’s way to me is also magical (if you ask me anyway). I had put the crystal in my cart online, and forgotten about it. Never paid for it. One day a few weeks later, I was washing dishes at my sink and had a “message” come across to me saying “Be expecting a visitor”. Moments later a horn honked in my front yard, it was the mail lady with a small package to sign for. I assumed it was my lightbrary which was on it’s way as well, but instead I found this entrancing, powerfully vibrating stone. The moment I touched the package I felt the vibration. I was in awe, because as I said I hadn’t paid for this, and it wasn’t exactly cheap. But the universe had hand delivered it right to my door. After doing some more research, I found somewhere that said “Brandbergs find their way into the collections of talented lightworkers.” That was when I knew that was a lightworker. And have only received confirmation, reassurance, and guidance since finding out.  
So if you have the chance, or happen to come across one of these lovelies, maybe pick it up and see what it has to offer you! 
Love & Light!! Namaste!

Limiting Your Consciousness with Drugs and Sugar


Today I feel compelled to write about something relevant to many, many people. And up until very recently something I have been a real advocate of. Pot. I’m probably not gonna win any friends with this post. So many people love smoking pot nowadays, I feel it’s more normalized than ever. And who couldn’t see why? It seems to so obviously lift your thoughts past all the “bad vibes” and float you into a higher consciousness. It’s very appealing. I love it. But what no one talks about, or considers really is what effect pot is having on their aura, and soul. On their very mission in life. I don’t have the right to preach at anyone else about not smoking pot, so this is more of a harsh “talking to” to myself than anything, but I have been slowly coming across gentle signs from my angels about this, and today got a message so detailed I just couldn’t ignore it any more, or do anything but just nod my head in agreement. And the point to the message is, even though physically alcohol is more damaging to your body and probably your life in general, and marijuana “lifts’ your consciousness a tad, it keeps you stuck, RIGHT where you are in your path. You can struggle, and fight, and work as hard as you possibly can to reach a higher consciousness but as long as you are smoking pot you aren’t going anywhere.

Smoking (whether nicotine or pot), drinking alcohol, taking pills, eating white sugar, drinking sodas, drugs of all kinds, they all are akin to keeping you stuck in spiritual quicksand. All of these things weaken your body, mind, and soul’s ability to contain light.  Pot has a strongly negative effect on the aura in particular by creating a fuzzy aura that blankets the emotions that we so desperately need to work through right now. This is a huge issue for me, and holding me back so much. In order to work through the emotions, and things that we need to get through, we need to have a clear aura. Smoking pot is only fogging it up and creating an inability to get through the things we need to get through emotionally to advance spiritually. This is a sad but necessary thing to accept for me. It is hard to confront your fears, your emotions, your past, whatever it is that you may need to work through, but it is a necessary step that you agreed to before incarnating, and anything dulling these things is dulling your opportunity to shed these old layers. Therefore you get stuck on the same level of spiritual consciousness. Taking the edge off of any emotion is not something you want to do, even if it seems like it at the time. You will learn nothing from that.

One of my goals (and probably one of yours too if you are reading this) is connecting to my higher Self, and that is not possible when you are dousing yourself with soda, candy, pot, alcohol or many other popular things that people use to hide their feelings on a daily basis. Having a clean, healthy aura is an essential part of being able to achieve the consciousness needed to deal with your issues and move past them with love and understanding that it is part of your human experience. To experience you need to explore the light and the dark of yourself. That is why you came here, to experience that duality. Don’t deny yourself that opportunity by squandering your precious gift of a clear consciousness, body, mind, and soul.

Love and Light ❤
